Hanafuda Games: Sensu Edition

Learn how to play hanafuda!

An in-depth collection of 37 great games, including popular games such as Koi-Koi, Go-Stop, and Hachi-Hachi.

Organized into categories by type and difficulty, this step-by-step rulebook includes intuitive scoring samples, visual references, numerous variants, gameplay samples, and quick reference charts.

This book features the art of our Sensu hanafuda deck series!

"Love the clear illustrations and examples of scoring. Very in-depth rules explanation of common Hanafuda games, as well as some original games inspired by classic western games such as Rummy."
"Lovely. Approachable. Quite a lovely book. I got my first Hanafuda deck about fifty years ago, and have accumulated a bunch of decks and a handful of books since then. This book is the first that really makes playing with the cards approachable, and adds quite a variety of games."
"So glad I added a little extra for the physical book. This thing is a monster, and I can't image having to flip back and forth from an ipad now that it's in my hands."
"This is a pretty hefty book, glad I spent a little more to get it!"
"Ridiculously cheap, for the effort consumed in the production of this excellent games compendium."
“Loving this book!”
“Worth every penny. This book is fantastic, clear, and concise! 37 games to play with hanafuda cards including a handful of solitaire games that I can’t get enough of. The card images don’t exactly match the Korean or Nintendo hanafuda decks but they’re close enough to figure out.”
“Libro fondamentale per chi vuole scoprire i giochi che si possono fare con le carte Hanafuda. Un libro di messa, un testo quasi universitario, la parola definitiva sulle carte Hanafuda.”
“Hanafuda goodness. Well written and easy to understand book. Explains the games wonderfully. Nice illustrations and great addition to add to the game library. We learned Hanafuda Hawaii style when we lived on Oahu from a Japanese seniors group and have enjoyed it ever since. Expand your horizons and learn a new, old card game. Versions of which are significant throughout the Pacific in various forms. This book does a good job introducing you to a few different ways of playing some new and some old and significant to different cultures. If you are an old Hanafuda pro I still find this a good read and access to some new ways to play you may not know of. Will help you teach others too."
Ocean Girl
Ocean Girl
“Best hanafuda book on the market. Excellent, beautifully illustrated book that teaches many games to play with your Hanafuda deck of cards. Luv it!”
“Best book on hanafuda rules. Wonderfully laid-out, colorful, easy-to-understand collection of many Hanafuda games. The only book you need!”

Learn how to play hanafuda!

An in-depth collection of 37 great games, including popular games such as Koi-Koi, Go-Stop, and Hachi-Hachi.

Organized into categories by type and difficulty, this step-by-step rulebook includes intuitive scoring samples, visual references, numerous variants, gameplay samples, and quick reference charts.

Rulebook Includes the following games:

Capture Games are the most popular hanafuda games. Capture games involve capturing cards from a field and creating yaku (special combinations of cards) to score points.

  • Simplified Game for Beginners (Absolute Beginner, 2-4 players)
  • Matching Flowers (Beginner, 2-3 players)
  • Hana-Awase 1 (Beginner, 3-4 players)
  • Hana-Awase 2 (Beginner, 3 players)
  • Mushi (Beginner, 2 players)
  • Six Hundred (Beginner, 2-3 players)
  • Hachi-juu Hana (Beginner, 2-3 players)
  • Min-Hwatu (Intermediate, 2-3 players)
  • Koi-Koi (Intermediate, 2 players)
  • Oni Koi-Koi (Intermediate, 2 players)
  • Higo-Bana (Intermediate, 2-7 players)
  • Tensho, simplified (Intermediate, 2 players)
  • Go-Stop (Expert, 2-7 players)
  • Hachi-Hachi (Expert, 2-7 players)
  • Sudaoshi (Expert, 3 players)
  • Hachi, simplified (Expert, 2 players)
  • Hachi (Expert, 2 players)
  • Tensho (Expert, 2 players)

Sequence Games involve playing cards from your hand in sequential order with the objective to empty your hand. Sequence games are a great way to learn hanafuda month order.

  • Poka (Beginner, 2 players)
  • Hiyoko, simplified (Beginner, 2-4 players)
  • Isuri, simplified (Beginner, 2-3 players)
  • Kage (Beginner, 2 players)
  • Hiyoko (Intermediate, 2-4 players)
  • Isuri (Intermediate, 2-3 players)

Luck Games are simple, fast-paced, gambling-oriented games. Many of the games in this section were traditionally played with Kabufuda decks.

  • Sutda, simplified (Beginner, 2-10 players)
  • Hiki-Kabu (Beginner, 2-10 players)
  • Oicho-Kabu (Beginner, 2-10 players)
  • Kyo-Kabu (Beginner, 2-10 players)
  • Kingo (Beginner, 2-10 players)
  • Sota (Intermediate, 2-6 players)
  • Sutda (Intermediate, 2-10 players)

Fusion Games are a collection of Western-inspired games that we reinterpreted and designed for gameplay with a hanafuda deck. These games provide a familiar platform for Western players to become more comfortable with the hanafuda deck.

  • Seasons (Beginner, 1-4 players)
  • Pyramid (Beginner, 1 players)
  • Solitaire (Intermediate, 1 players)
  • Eight Off (Intermediate, 1 players)
  • Hana-Rumi (Intermediate, 2-4 players)
  • Hana-Gin (Intermediate, 2-4 players)
  • 236 pages
  • 37 Games
  • Intuitive Scoring Samples
  • Visual References
  • Numerous Variants
  • Gameplay Samples
  • Quick reference Charts
  • Full-color
  • Perfect Bound
  • 70# Paper
  • 8.5” x 11”

*Note: The various editions of our Hanafuda Games Rulebook (i.e Sensu Edition, Hanami Edition, and Hanami Digital Edition) contain the same text content. However, the art for each edition differs. Each edition features the art of the deck series it is titled for.

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